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Local Store Catalog (BETA) : Stock by customer's demand. (Free Service)

On Catalog Site, it will show only your store information.

Inventory Surplus for non-demand products? Stock by customer's demand.

Store Catalog

What is this:

Local Store Catalog is the tool which local store and local store customer can communicate to find what your customer needed around your store area.


  • Stop stock on non-selling products
  • Stock products by your customer's demand
  • Get products by the cycle how often customer uses

How This Work:

  1. Open catalog within 1-2 business days.
  2. Add login information for customers in your customer control portal.
  3. Customer login your catalog in anywhere to add products what they needed.
  4. Check customer's wish list and add to the order.
  5. Send a SMS message or email when products are in your store. (once you add to notification list, your catalog system will send a notification to your customers)
  6. Customer picks up the product from your location and get paid
  7. Stock those items in your shop then customer does not have find alternative.

Notify to customers:

  • E-mail : send all e-mail from noreply@togetproducts.com with your store contact information.
  • SMS : Text customers with your store contact information.


  • Must have physical location
  • Must provide us with a re-sale certification when requested in US, Business license or certificatioin for overseas.
  • Physical location must match with your actual location. (Physical location will display on the catalog and we will add recommended store around your area.)

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